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Friday, February 5, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

lol So you will give it to me when I message you?

Would you like to tell me who you are now?

Ask me anything I am feeling frisky :)

Well. Golly gee. You sure do have a lot of teachers here teaching you proper grammar. Yet, they cant fully construct a sentence. Tell me Rayne... how do you handle these hating ass dick riding groupies?

Hmmmm well darling I keep smiling. The best part about having haters is them constantly reminding you that you are doing right and that hustle has them feeling threatened. :)

Ask me anything I am feeling frisky :)

What is your phone number?

1-800-IDIOTS! LMAO...really? Cause I am gonna answer that on Formspring, where my number can populate 3 different social about that...

Ask me anything I am feeling frisky :)

why ya batti so small?

Cause your man stopped fucking me, now shut up! Last time I checked 43 inches aint small :P

Ask me anything I am feeling frisky :)

What does "come at me sideways mean"? I am used to facing things head on.

Its southern lingo. Basically means you came disrespectful

Ask me anything I am feeling frisky :)

Have you learned proper grammar?Did you know that you can not answer a question with a question?

LMAO, I dare you to come at me sideways again. I am fully aware of how sentence syntax and grammatical construction works. It is perfectly fine to answer a question with a question as long as the question is in the same tense :p! Now what lol?

Ask me anything I am feeling frisky :)

Are you always so friggin illiterate? Half your responses dont make sense!

Well spank me and call me Superhead I didnt realize this was the English portion of the SATs! Shut the hell up and go grade a paper there professor. Hmph!

Ask me anything I am feeling frisky :)

So the last question before I go to sleep... When are we going out?

LOL...who the hell are you?

Ask me anything I am feeling frisky :)

How would you know the person has a great sense of humour and personality before going on the date?

Um conversation I guess, msn, telephone the usual lol.

Ask me anything I am feeling frisky :)

Can I take you to Chuck E. Cheese?

Hell yeah! Do I get bonus tokens :)? Tee hee!

Ask me anything I am feeling frisky :)

When are you free? Will you teach me how to bowl?

Lmao -I cant bowl to save my life but I am love to laugh at myself, a regular dose of humility never hurt anybody :).

Ask me anything I am feeling frisky :)

Describe your ideal date

Lots of food lol- I love to eat and I love to have fun and I love being a big kid. Just make me smile.

Ask me anything I am feeling frisky :)

What is your favourite book?

I havent read them all but I love the Go Giver and The Alchemist and In the Time of Butterflies.

Ask me anything I am feeling frisky :)

I heard you are a perv,is this true?

Tee hee! I plead the fifth.

Ask me anything I am feeling frisky :)

So where should I take you?

Paintballing, go-karting, bowling, something fun and laid back. I dont want to constantly be checking my outfit and tryna be cute I just want to have fun.

Ask me anything I am feeling frisky :)

Ask me anything I am feeling frisky :)

Ask me anything I am feeling frisky :)

Ask me anything, I am feelingf frisky tonight =

Ask me anything

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tekken The Movie!

I grew up waiting in line @ arcades to play this game! Then they created the home edition and my parents refused to get it for me cause it was too violent.

Now me and my little brother have a date to watch the movie that was such a quintessential part of my childhood.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Fashion Friday with Leila Shams

I love fashion even though I would NEVER leave my house without the savvy style advice of my home girl T.Styles. She has been dressing me over 3 years, she was on every photoshoot set and music video set that I dared get in front of the camera for and anytime I was asked to host a party, I started the weekend off @ her house it was MANDATORY.

So I know that she will be so proud of me for finding the following design genius.

Her name is Leila Shams and her first collection is down right orgasmic. I am fiending to have her entire Spring 2010 collection in my if you love me lol, be nice and invest in my wardrobe. I promise I will be a size 7 just in time for the sun to come out :)

Her sexy collection is everything from sequins, to animal print, to yummy neon structured dresses to overdyed leather jackets that feel like butterscothc pouring over your skin!  I am beyond in love and I know you will be too!

I stole a few of her look book essentials but I strongly recommend that you go to her Site or her Facebook for more infor about her collection, her super talented self and where to find her clothing.

For all my TDOT fashionistas, unfortunately Leila isnt carried by any Canadaian merchandisers yet, but I definitely recommend getting a professional fitting and getting your Leila Sham original shipped out here to you- its what I fully intend to do ASAP!

Enjoy Lovelies!

Mocha Kisses


Thursday, January 14, 2010

This kind of Genius......

So I love art! I have been in love with art longer than I can remember and I recently happened to stumble on a new artist located in Toronto and fell in love with her genius.

You see I have a friend and male model- Justin McLennan(above) and he was recently painted by this genius, her name is NATASHA KUDASHKINA. Memorize her name because once you see what she creates it will become a tribal chant on your lips. Not only does she use human beings as her canvas, but she also takes brush directly to canvas to create some of the most amazing visual imagery I have ever had the honor to take in.


I refuse to compare her to any other artists, her art is in a league of its own- it is vibrant flourescent poetry and a sensory overload for the synapses and I am in love with it all.  I stole a few of her images to share with you- forgive me Natasha, but I dare you to step into Wonderland by becoming a fan of her Facebook Group.

Enjoy Lovelies!

Mocha Kisses!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Personal Earthquakes

As the day begins I am rocked by my own personal earthquakes, I know how the people in Haiti feel. While I may not be homeless I am fighting for the very survival of a person who is the essence of me.

For those people who know me and know me well, they know that my family is my All in All. We fight alot and we love so much more. I am blessed to be related to 5 out of 10 of my best friends. But one of my best friend's and I havent spoken in a while.

My dad was my prince charming, my superhero, my everything growing up, he could do no wrong. But along the way reality stole the sheen and lustre from my rose colored glasses and we grew apart. I became disillusioned and bitter towards him and eventually we stopped talking.

I tried to justify it, told myself I didnt care, that I didnt need him to walk me down the aisle when I got married, that it was his loss if he never got to meet the kids I will have in the future, that I wouldnt cry the day he died.

But I lied.

See loving someone is like being an ocean- the tide doesnt stop even if the moon is on the other side of the universe and it takes millions of years to dry up the ocean, that is how long it takes to stop loving someone.

My dad is lying in a hospital in South Africa, a shadow of the man he used to be suffering excruciating pain from kidney failure. I spoke to him today for the first time in almost 2 years and I feel like I am shattering and the wind is blowing away the broken pieces of me.

I dont want him to hurt anymore, but I refuse to let him move on. I will let doctors carve me and take all the best of me if only it will make him better.

For days now I have woken up and gone to work and smiled and cracked jokes while inside of me a malestrom of emotions raged.

I know you are wondering why I am telling you this, why i decided to share my sob story with you, and this is why.

Forgiveness is the most impossible emotion for human beings to grasp, but I have learnt that love makes it easy to enact.

Life- the few brief passing moments we experience on this rock hurtling through space, means NOTHING without LOVE.

if you love someone, no matter how much they have hurt you, disappointed you or let you down. LOVE them like tomorrow is never going to come.

I pray and desperately hope that my dad makes it through this. I need him to know that he is the reason why I dream, he is my intelligence and short temper, he is the dimple in my right cheek. He is my pride in my creativity and the reason why after 101 failed business schemes I still call myself an entreprenuer. He is my tenacity and my long distance dream carrier. He is my lack of dance talent and my scary business intuition. He is my swagg and my history and I am his legacy.

If you love someone, never be afraid to tell them, never be afraid to show them and never be afraid to love them a little deeper and a little harder every single day.

My mom is my bestest friend in the universe. My dad is still my hero and I need him to slay this dragon one more time for him if not for me.

If you know me and love me then all I ask from you now is to pray for my daddy. Please.

Monday, January 11, 2010

BONUS MUSIC MONDAY- Welcome to the Show: Introducing Show Stephens

Now for people who know me and know me well, they know that I am OBSESSED with music and I am very, very picky about who and what I listen to- I demand QUALITY . So when my boi Big Mike hit me up on MSN telling to listen to some new R&B artist by the name of Show Stephens I was hesitant. But because I love Mike and I know his standards are just as high as mine, if not higher I took a look into this singer..........and the verdict is, that I am MIGHTY impressed.

The production on his first track "So Amazing" is just that -amazing and his voice- well if I had groupie tendancies I would be stalking him (something about a man that can sing me to sleep......). Moving on!

From a music lover's perspective Mr. Stephens has great potential and I hope that his first project shows great depth and covers more subject matter than just good loving(I aint complaining) and popping bottles in the club.

From a woman's perspective his voice has a sister wondering if he is single lol...just teasing.

Thank you Big Mike for putting me on, and to Mr. Stephens I wish you the best of luck- the TDOT needs you :)

For more of Show's Music as well as booking info go to his management site: or email

Enjoy Lovelies!

Music Monday: Keke Wyatt is Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!

This amazing vocalist is back and her new musical attempt drops 2.23.2010. Vocal talent like this is much missed and I had to share cause I am so excited. I hope you enjoy the video and support Miss Wyatt, on Feb 23rd!!

Mocha Kisses Lovelies!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

In Love with The Sexy Joan from Mad Men

Now I am not big on watching TV, heck I rarely do, but when I do get a chance I am in love with the AMC drama "Mad Men" and while I have a slight jonesing for Don's debonair style(yum), the character that has me hooked is the luscious and vicacious Joan.

This buxom redhead is All Curves No Excuses and I love the fact that she isnt a size 2 and owns it. Better yet the costume designer for this drama about the ad execs within a front running ad agency just knows her fashion and I love anything from the late 50s to the early 60s, which is when this period drama is set, so I am in heaven about the style cues that this show drops.

So here is an afternoon Martini toast to the lovely ladies of "Mad Men" and a special ode to my girl Joan.